Member & Partner Testimonials
What Members are Saying

“BENS provides the opportunity to not only contribute solutions to our nation’s most pressing challenges, but to also learn about the evolving national security landscape alongside an impressive group of private and public sector leaders.”
Lauren Bedula
Managing Director, Beacon Global Strategies, LLC
“I have benefitted from being a citizen of the greatest country in the world. I have lived and worked extensively throughout the world. I consider it an honor and a privilege that through BENS I can apply what I have experienced and learned over the last 40 years in business to give something back to the USA.”
Norm Chambers
Former Chairman, BENS, Former Chairman of the Board, NCI Building Systems, Inc.
“Fascinating group with interesting backgrounds. Glad we could participate and provide some practical advice! I thought it was a great sharing of information all around -- We picked up some excellent suggestions from the executives participating in the work session.”
Calvin Butler
CEO, Exelon Utilities
“As the gap between business and government has regrettably widened away from a mutually beneficial collaborative relationship, BENS’ work to bridge that gap has become increasingly valuable. The organization marries a thorough knowledge of key national security issues with decades of experience of our members’ best business practices.”
Denis Bovin
Senior Advisor, Evercore Partners
“My membership has afforded me an opportunity to contribute across boundaries for creative solutions to complex global challenges. The level of collaboration within BENS and with our public partners is inspiring.”
Mandy Cavanaugh
Founder and President, Team Housing Solutions, Inc.
"This was an absolutely perfect example of BENS living up to its mission and there is no doubt that RADM Kelly and his team saw tremendous value in the meeting. It truly was an honor to be in the room and as a BENS member this is yet another of the many fulfilling BENS efforts that I have had the opportunity to been involved in."
[USCG Roundtable on retention of women in the workforce]
Sherif Wahby
Sr. Director, Markon Solutions
What Partners are Saying
“I want to thank all of the BENS executives who have been so instrumental in helping the intelligence community and the military. Those of us in the special operations community and your business leaders go back a very long way.”
Admiral William H. McRaven, USN (Ret.)
Former Commander, United States Special Operations Command
“The experts do not have all the answers. Washington does not have all the answers. We want and need ideas from the private sector and from citizens. And BENS is indispensable in that regard.”
Condoleezza Rice
Former Secretary of State
“It was a real pleasure and an honor to co-chair this Commission. When Gen. Votel called me some months ago in his capacity as the CEO of BENS to take this [Commission] on I was happy to do so because we all recognize the importance of the work here.”
Jeh Johnson
Former Secretary of Homeland Security
“I would like to pay tribute to BENS and their operation to bring this panel (Tail to Tooth) together to focus on these very important defense issues. This is a critical time to discuss...and to ensure that we are effective and efficient at what we [DoD] do.”
Leon Panetta
Former Secretary of Defense
“Through BENS you also help all of us in government apply best business practice solutions to some of America’s most pressing security challenges. And those solutions are important as ever, as we enter what is a new strategic era. Indeed, today’s security environment is dramatically different from the one we’ve had for the last 25 years.”
Ash Carter
Former Secretary of Defense
"BENS brings an important and credible voice of experience to the task of demonstrating how citizens too can contribute to keeping America safe and secure...So I thank all of you at BENS for your talents, your drive, and your passion to give back to the country in such profound ways."
Admiral Mike Mullen, USN (Ret.)
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
"I don’t get in front of a group of people like this very often, who are both committed to commerce and the economy...and at the same time, a group of people who have dedicated so much of their life to keeping their fellow Americans safe."
Michael R. Pompeo
Former Secretary of State
"BENS really is a cutting-edge example as to what can be done when the business community becomes involved in supporting our diplomatic and development efforts alongside our defense. We need your innovative ideas to create new jobs and industries to pursue the technologies, services, and opportunities that people around the world are yearning for, and which we believe can enhance and promote our security interests."
Hillary Clinton
Former Secretary of State
"BENS’ work is critically important. We use it at the committee, the product which you produce. Thank you for that and for BENS’ commitment to national security."
Mike Rogers
Former Chair, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
"The discussion worked well because [BENS] effectively created a ‘safe space’ where all areas of concern could be put on the table openly and freely, which is rare for our folks."
Deborah Scher
Executive Advisor to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Secretary’s Center for Strategic Partnerships, Department of Veterans Affairs
"I commend BENS for...your commitment to improving the safety of all Americans. Your efforts demonstrate that we will never forget those we lost and the many men and women who work so hard to fight for our freedoms at home and throughout the world."