2017 Fran 37 2400w

Fran Johnson


Fran joined BENS in 2001 and serves as the “voice of BENS.” She functions as the office receptionist.  

While providing front desk and office telephone coverage, Fran also provides backup coverage support to the CEO, COO and other executives as needed.  

Fran is an IBM retiree with 30 years of service. After IBM, Fran worked under the Clinton Administration and served as a political appointee for the office of “White House Liaison”  for six years. 

Fran was crowned “Ms. Senior District of Columbia, 2017″ and represented the 84,000+ senior citizens of the District of Columbia for that year.   

Fran is a native Washingtonian and earned her degree in Business Administration, with academic honors, from the first land grant college in the District of Columbia, “The Washington Technical Institute.” Fran resides in Washington, DC with her husband. They have three married children and six grandchildren.