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General Tim Ray, USAF (Ret.)

President & Chief Executive Officer

General Tim Ray, USAF (Ret.) is a highly decorated, retired United States Air Force Four-Star General officer who most recently served as Commander of Air Force Global Strike Command. Concurrently he served as the Commander of Air Forces Strategic-Air, United States Strategic Command with a focus on strategy and operational excellence. He served as a member of the Air Force’s “Corporate Board” team of senior leaders, shaping future force structure, modernization, and budget priorities for the United States Air Force. General Ray is widely recognized for developing, fielding, operating, and sustaining security capabilities as a result of his vast experience and insights across multiple disciplines: technology development and acquisition, joint and combined military operations from the tactical to the strategic, executive leadership, civil-military relationships, and international security.

In his last position in the Air Force, General Ray led the nation’s Air Force Strategic Strike forces in daily operations in support of national objectives globally. He directed modernization efforts for command and control, aircraft, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), infrastructure and support equipment. His leadership and vision were instrumental to the organization thriving and improving in its no-fail mission during the COVID pandemic and shift to strategic competition with near peer adversaries.

Prior, General Ray served as the Deputy Commander, US European Command where he was the Deputy Commander for all US Joint Forces in Europe. He was responsible for joint, combined operations, planning and exercises to ensure US and coalition military readiness and regional stability all during Russian efforts to destabilize Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. In his role he worked with partners and allies throughout Europe and the Middle East on complicated, wide-ranging strategic issues. Previously, General Ray commanded eight Air Force Wings throughout Europe and Africa supporting the US Joint and coalition operations supporting 5 separate commands. He led air operations to include Reconnaissance, Refueling, Airlift, Command and Control and Strike operations. Earlier in his career General Ray was the Deputy Director of Fighter, Bomber, and Weapon Programs to the Air Force Assistant Secretary of Acquisition, responsible for fighter and bomber aircraft and weapons acquisition programs and a key interface with the Secretary of Defense’s acquisition staff, Congress and Air Force Major Commands managing key acquisition and budget decisions.

General Ray holds a Master of Science degree in Aviation Sciences and Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach Florida and a Master of Science degree in Strategic Studies from Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Alabama. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Factors Engineering from the U.S. Air Force Academy and is a Distinguished graduate of the Air Command and Staff College.