News & Insights

event invitation: Lt. Gen. Gregg Olson, US Marine Corps

A Conversation with LtGen Gregg Olson, Director, U.S. Marine Corps

BENS DC hosts Lieutenant General Gregg P. Olson, Director of the Marine Corps on August 24th. LtGen Olson grew up in Cumberland, RI, Montreal, Quebec, and Westlake Village, CA, and…

WoTR Let The Commandant Command The Marine Corps

Let the Commandant Lead the Marine Corps

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger is under siege. From former senator, secretary of the Navy, and decorated Marine Corps veteran Jim Webb to living Marine Corps legend Lt. Gen.…

WoTR Are The Marines Inventing The Edsel Or The Mustang

Are the Marines Inventing the Edsel or the Mustang?

Ford Motor Company’s development of the Edsel 60 years ago still stands as a classic corporate case study of transformative product failure. The Marine Corps, a $50 billion dollar enterprise,…

DefenseNews Marine Corps Seeks Info Command In Force Design Update

Marine Corps Seeks ‘Information Command’ in Force Design 2030 Update

The U.S. Marine Corps commandant wants to forge a new command focused on information operations and improved coordination. The creation of the Marine Corps Information Command, or MCIC, was included…

WoTR A View From The Trenches On The Debate Wracking The Marine Corps

A View from the Trenches on the Debate Wracking the Marine Corps

As a Marine gunner, I have some candid advice to senior retired leaders lambasting the Marine Corps’ reforms: Look in the trenches. The character of war has changed. We will…